Thursday, April 9, 2009


My poor peanut. She's teething. Full blown hands in the mouth, drooling on everything, can't sleep at night teething. It's horrible. I feel so bad for her but there is not much us mothers can do.. Right?

If someone has a better way to deal with teething besides cold washcloths to chew on....teething rings..hylands teething tablets and baby orajel let me know! I broke down and gave Adriana half a dose of baby tylenol so she could sleep. It worked like a charm, and she was a much happier baby today.

*I must admit that im secretly happy she'll be a getting a toothy... :)*

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn- Thanks SO much for visiting me! I can not believe that Adriana is almost 4 mos old already. It is hard to believ it isn't it?

    I'll be adding you to my reader now :)
